Here are the top things you can do right now.
Engage with our If You Seek global campaign
Our 100% Pure New Zealand global brand campaign ‘If You Seek’ is live on our social media channels Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. We invite you to engage with the content and share via your own channels.
Apply for TNZ Inbound Tour Operator Sponsored Famil funding
If you are a Inbound Tour Operator and looking for financial support to conduct a front-line seller famil out of North American or UK/Germany, you can apply for sponsorship. To apply please download and complete this application form(opens in new window).
Submit your business and products for free, on our commission-free platform
Promote your business on by submitting your business and product information to the Tourism Business Database. Pre-pandemic, 41 million people visited the site each year, which resulted in 3.2 million referrals to the tourism industry. Register your business(opens in new window)
Take part in content partnerships
Get involved in our content partnerships by contacting your Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO). We work closely with RTOs to incorporate Qualmark experiences into content that our media partners produce. Find your RTO (opens in new window)
Use our branding in your marketing
Feature our branding in your marketing, to enjoy the benefits of brand association. Explore our visual library(opens in new window)
Guidelines for Photoshoots and Filming
We have created a set of guidelines to use as a tool when planning a still or moving shoot. This guide is here to help give you direction and tips for content creation. Please note that these are not Tourism New Zealand’s Visual Library Guidelines and do not guarantee TNZ’s usage.
Photoshoot and filming guidelines(opens in new window)
Showcase your product to travel sellers
Join the Explore New Zealand Discount Programme (Explore) to get international travel sellers to experience your product. Travel sellers are more likely to recommend and sell products to their clients when they have experienced them first hand. All Qualmark tourism businesses are invited to join the programme. Find out more information and how to participate here(opens in new window).
Share your news stories
What's happening in your region? Do you have a good news story to tell about your region or business? Our public relations team are always looking for amazing stories we can share with consumers offshore. Email
Distribute your products globally
We’ve developed a comprehensive guide detailing how to effectively work with travel trade around the world. You can access this guide via your Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO).
If you are an International Travel Agency or DMC, visit our Travel Trade website(opens in new window)
How we work with the tourism industry
Tourism New Zealand works with the New Zealand tourism industry to amplify its impact, largely by encouraging participation in international marketing activity.
Partner with us